A trip to the USA

I've been quite quiet recently.

Here's the reason: I was in the USA (Mostly in Connecticut and New York State) with the church youth group I'm part of.

It was exhausting, but fun.

I'm planning a few more detailed blogs on surviving the trip, my experience of UK (Gatwick) and USA (JFK) airport assistance, my trip on the 'Maid in the Mist' at Niagara Falls, and a few wheelie-related things about New York city.

In the mean time, here are a few pics from the trip.
(I'm not good at remembering to take photos - but I do have lots of good memories from the trip - which is the main thing, even if it doesn't translate well on a blog!)

 At Niagara Falls


At Letchworth State Park


New York City from the Staten Island Ferry.

(the 3 pics above were taken by people with me - I can't take the credit for them!)

Central Park
